Just a quickie...
Thesis Seminar II begins today. I just got online to check what we have in store this week. This is a short week. Mostly getting reaquainted and organized. I downloaded the syllabus and will print that and Genet's introduction out at work.
Genet's introduction was wonderful: warm and full of excitement...tempered by the reality of it all and what we really need to do to stay on top of everything. I am feeling a bit of anxiety. My stomach is turning around and around like a bunch of ensos got thrown into a washing machine: five colored circles churning around cacophonously (is that a word/) in my belly.
Anyway...good reminders from Genet with regards to how we are going to feel/think/behave throughout the process and how our "job" is to find some balance with them...
Throughout this process, you will find the middle way between these extremes:
• being too self-reliant versus too dependent;
• being arrogant versus being helpless;
• being excessively compulsive versus unduly lazy.
Hmmm...she must've gone through this before! ; )
Lizard Coloring Page
1 year ago
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