Today I had lunch with eleven of my students from last year. I had invited them earlier in the week, telling them I wanted to talk to them about what I am doing for my thesis...and that I'd supply lunch (food is definitely the way to 7th grade boys' - and one girl -hearts).
Over pizza, I explained to the students what I was doing and that I would really like to get at least six volunteers to meet with me and discuss their experiences and also respond to a questionaire about their experiences in my classroom last year. I think I got about eight students who are willing to work with me. Next week I will give them permission slips for themselves and their parents to sign.
It was really nice to hang out with my old students. I don't get too much of a chance to connect with them this year and it was nice to sit in our classroom and "stroll down memory lane." We laughed a lot and I feel good that I have laid out that groundwork for this particular part of my thesis exploration.
On a completely different note, I have skipped my morning meditation the past two days as I have either overslept or had to leave the house super early. It was evident this morning that I had missed my meditation. I had a first-thing snap at two of my students. Not that they didn't deserve a bit of a "reminder" about their behavior, but I got pretty irritated, pretty quickly. It may not have been due to missing my meditation - it simply could have been that I was over-tired, or that I wasn't being mindful of what was going on in my head and body at that moment, a combination of the two, or something else. However, it is worth looking at that I missed two days in a row of meditation and that my eating has been off.
Healthy, mindful eating and meditation are both important components of my inner methods as I continue working on my thesis. I need to recommit myself to both. I know they will only help me in this endeavor.
Lizard Coloring Page
1 year ago
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