I posted a week or two ago about my morning awareness walks with Love (my pup...my eight and half-year-old pup), and how our morning walks are one of my inner methods while I am engaged in the thesis process. Well...
Yesterday I picked up a copy of Science of the Mind magazine. I don't know much about Science of the Mind - but the issue had two clips on the cover of articles that would be found inside: "Living Mindfully," read one, and the other stated, "Animals Teach the Power of Now." It turns out that Science of the Mind followers incorporate many of the same philosophies as Quakers do and as Buddhists do.
The article that struck me most was entitled Animal Spirits by Barry Ebert. Ebert discusses the collaboration between Patrick McDonnell (Mutts cartoonist) and Eckhart Tolle (author) on a book that honors animals - especially pets - entitled Guardians of Being. McDonnell says that one of the reasons he and Tolle chose the title they did for their book was because "animals show us how to stop thinking and just be" (Ebert, 2010, p. 19). That's one of the main reasons why I appreciate my time with Love on our morning walks. Because I stop thinking and just be where Love is. I get to see and feel and hear and sense the extraordinary in the ordinary - without doing anything but being.
As I continue on my journey throughout this thesis process, I am constantly awed by the sources that come my way just by being open. I don't even have to search them out most times, they simply show up. In the movie Field of Dreams, Kevin Costner is told, "If you build it they will come." In the reality that is my life, I have found that "If I'm open, they [resources, inspiration] will come."
And so they have. And so they will.
*I posted this last night (Saturday) but, unfortunately, I posted it to my Room 503 Blog by accident. Oops!
Lizard Coloring Page
1 year ago
1 comment:
Yes, yes, yes... that is the way it works... remain open and receptive and the resulting space is an invitation for the heavens to provide... get all anxious and constricted... and you put up a barrier to the manna that is falling...
Sometimes, it's just about getting out of my own way... that's how my thesis process went too... quite a lesson...
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