There is Life After the Thesis

After chronicling my thoughts, feelings, ideas, and experiences throughout the thesis process on this blog (formerly entitled Rites of a Thesis), it seemed odd to me to simply let the blog go just because I had turned in my thesis and graduated. I don't want to merely "shelve" my thesis nor do I want all that I got from my time at Naropa to lie dormant. I want my thesis to continue to live and breathe and become, and I would like all the teachings and experiences I had during my time at Naropa to do the same. So I am keeping the blog (changing the title), and am commiting to myself to (w)rite on as I journey forward.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Notes to Self

*Bearing Witness

*Community of Learners

*"Aren't we bowing?"

*Is that my voice in my book bag?

Another long day. Just got home from dinner with my dad.
Will post much-o tomorrow.

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