...Like MINE!
Both of my parents have taken a genuine interest in both my teaching and in my Masters work. My dad reads this blog every day (and he read the first draft of my thesis proposal). Today he said to me over the phone, "I would like to know more about the bow." Isn't that cool?
I think, at first, I didn't know how to talk with my parents about Naropa and what I've been doing there in the summers and in our online classes. On one hand, it feels amazingly intimate, and on another, it often sounds totally ludicrous ("uh...well, we spend 15 minutes meditating and then go into an all yellow room and lie down on the floor in this specific position for 45 minutes and then we do 15 minutes of aimless wandering."). However, last fall, beginning my thesis work, something shifted for me, and in the process, my parents have been inquisitive, supportive, and - like I've said - genuinely interested.
Both my mom and dad will be coming to Boulder this summer for my thesis presentation and graduation. I am excited for them to see Boulder and be part of our Naropa experience. When I first thought about them coming to graduation a year and a half ago, I thought: "Oh, no. Probably not necessary to invite them. It's too...odd. They won't get it." But I don't believe that any more. They'll get it. They'll definitely get it.
I feel so fortunate that I am able to share some of this journey of mine with them.
Lizard Coloring Page
1 year ago
1 comment:
The funny thing is... they probably didn't change... you did... you opened... the world looks completely different when we change our eyes... and it surprises me everytime!
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